Mallory Unlimited

Mallory Unlimited
Phone: 315-849-2886
Mailing Address:
9394 Destiny USA Drive
Syracuse, NY 13290

Mfactor TEC | Mallory Market
Heart of Homemaking

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The Legacy of the Mallory Name - Battery
The Battery

You may have noticed the battery theme on this site. It has more of a meaning than you may think. When Matthew J. Mallory was 11 years old his great grandmother gave him a Duracell battery with the name Mallory on the copper top. She told him the family history about how Philip Rogers Mallory and Samuel Ruben invented and started manufacturing the Duracell battery in 1942. A story like this was sure to spark ingenuity in any 11 year old boy.

Around that time Matt designed two Transformers toys (one was a shark). He submitted the drawings to Hasbro who in turn responded with a thank you letter stating that they don't accept ideas from the general public. Not discouraged, Matt is still inventing things to this day. Necessity breeds invention!

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